Servoy tech webinar series 10: Sample solution
Servoy tech webinar series 10: Sample solution
Hello and welcome to the Tech Webinar series. My name is Jan Elman and I am the founder of Servoy. As usual, I am joined by Sean Develin, senior engineer of the USA team, also known as Guru Shanesha. Although he usually only uses this name during Servoy World Conferences. Welcome, Sean. Thanks, Jan. Today is number 10, Sean. Time is time for the slides when you are having fun. Yeah. I am really enjoying this series. I mean, it is tough especially for you because you have to do a lot of the presentation and the preparation work. So we really appreciate that we should send you a bottle of champagne or something. Yeah. So I should hear. So what’s really great about this series is all the different kinds of Servoy topics. It’s nice and short, sample solutions, components with every session that we do. So we’ll keep them going. If you keep sending in topics, that is obviously a key requirement. To the time is a little bit tricky because some of us are already in day-life settings time unlike everybody in the US. Well others, for example, in Europe, I’m not sure which countries all observe, tell us anything’s time, but I think most in Europe don’t. Good news is the recording will be online shortly. Hopefully today at tomorrow. So if you missed it, you can go see it online. Before we get started, Servoy World is due in two months from today. And you can find all the details about it on’s pleasure of our world 2017. Make sure to register in time in fact, especially to celebrate the 10th anniversary of this Tech Webinar series. I’m able to introduce to the first five people that respond. Just shoot me an email at, the original early bird raid. If you missed that out, it was 385 instead of 500 and something now if I’m correct. Send me an email and I can still get a few of you on the early bird raid to celebrate that you are actually attending or listening to edition number 10 of the Tech Webinar series. Due to popular demand, we are launching a new series within the series, which we’re going to call micro samples. And in each micro sample, a specific Servoy capability will be demonstrated and will give you a small sample to get started. And today is phase one, the framework that holds the sample solutions. And it uses some pretty cool features to order discover new samples as you drop them in. So as we start giving you new samples probably every two weeks or every four weeks, you can just drop them in and continue to run them all together. Our ideas also to stick them on, which we’re upgrading as we speak. So you’ll be able to see them there soon as well. And today, Sean will be talking about this in more detail as we get started. If you do have any questions or comments, as always, make sure to post them in the questions section in your go to webinar control panel. Without further ado, let’s get started. Sean, the floor is yours. OK. Thanks, Sean. Yeah, real quick, just about Servoy World, I would add that we have pre and post conference training on the Wednesday and Saturday surrounding the dates. And this year, we have, I think, quite a few tracks. So there’s a good mix of topics in there. Yeah. So we’re announcing this thing called micro samples, maybe a bit of background of what it is and where it comes from. We had a company hackathon, a full company meeting back in January. And we had a lot of great ideas. One of the ideas that we worked on was sort of the challenge of how do we make the concepts of Servoy more accessible without having to go through searching documentation, downloading, installing things. We wanted to make it easier to understand what the capabilities are of Servoy. So we came up with this idea of an online sample gallery that also leads you to the next steps like downloading a sample or seeing documentation or going the next step toward implementing it if you need it. So what we’re going to do today is look at the online sample gallery. It is live on demo. That’s And that’s where it’s going to live and be continually improved. We’ll take a look at what the features are and we’ll discuss maybe the roadmap since this is kind of our beta one of this idea. Why don’t we jump right into demo? Now this will be a short webinar because today we don’t have really a new topic. We’re just sort of announcing this availability. But what’s interesting is that we’ve done this is number 10. So I think this is a good anniversary to look back at what we’ve worked on and think about how we can incorporate it into this effort. So for the past 10 tech webinars, we’ve tried to make it that the result of each webinar is either the announcement of a new module, a new extension, web component, a new example, demonstrating best practices. But we made the goal of every tech webinar that you could go and download something and try it out. We’re going to continue to do that because we think that it’s really important not to just show you something but to give you something that you can then work with. But now we start accruing lots and lots of samples and it’s a good thing. But we wanted to organize it in a way that we can make it so that you could browse it. And if you’re coming to this series late in the game, then you’ve already missed 10 webinars, 10 opportunities to learn stuff. You might just go right here and navigate and find what you need. So we’ve set up kind of architecture where we can drop samples in and they’re exposed to the gallery and then you can do things with them. So let’s start with what we did last week, which was the example about filtering. So we did a demo on how to use the API for filtering found sets and you could go in and select your favorite customers and do some filters like that. Great, but now it’s something where you can find it live and you can browse it. If we update the sample, then we’ll update it to the sample gallery. You might also notice that there are some buttons up here indicating that you can do more things. Like if you wanted to download the sample and get the actual binary, you can click this. And you can see that it begins downloading the dot serve oil file. If you want to go to the project home, maybe a better example would be we did one of the earlier ones we did was the text based searching. So this is an extension. So this is a real module that’s offered. So we can just review. I can find… Oh, I have it filtered. It’s sharing with my filter. Hang on. I go back to here and remove my filters. Interesting. Well, this is what happens when your samples play together. Back to my text searching. And if I was looking for something like coffee ordered in say, Germany, you remember this one if you saw this webinar. If I want to go in and try the sample out without downloading, I can do it. Then if I decide that I like it, I might even want to know, hey, what’s the source code behind this? So you can see down here in this lower panel, it’s showing me the source code. If I want to maximize that, I can. And now I can really take a look at the commented source code and say, OK, this is something I think I can handle. What’s the next step? Maybe the next step is to go to the Project Home on GitHub or if I want some more information. There’s also each sample can expose information. Again, I can pop this out. And this is actually pooling Wiki Markdown Wiki from the GitHub site, but it can also just be something that’s just included with the sample. So here I can link out and say, oh, wow, there’s a video I want to open this in a new tab and go watch that kind of thing. In addition, I might just want to go straight to the GitHub homepage. And that’s where I can see, OK, wow, there’s Wikidoccamentation here, and I can really dive in and get started. So the idea is that every demo solution that we make is going to have hooks to expose things like where to download it from, where to get more info, maybe source code. And we’re finding that with Servo8, we’re able to release and update components and G services and new modules pretty quickly so that it’s hard to keep all that stuff fresh so that you know what’s happening. But the idea here is that we could make it so you could actually go in and browse for stuff and try it out. And then if you determine that you like it, then you can take the next step. So yeah, it’s really driven by this plug and play architecture, which I think if we look into the future, folks from the community providing their own samples, because really all you have to do is extend a base form and implement a few methods to tell where to get the download, where to get source code, et cetera. And then it’s live and ready to go. So it’s a pretty short webinar, as I said, it’s just an announcement where to try this out. So to the micro samples gallery. If you follow that link, you can try it out live there. And pretty much everything once you’re inside there, all the other links you can find. So Yond, do we have any questions so far? Yes, it looks like the server is currently generating an error message, because apparently too many people are hitting it at the same time. So I guess we… Yeah, I’m getting licenses in there as we speak. Oh, we didn’t put in server licenses. So that’s maybe a good idea to do that. Yeah. And we will address that as soon as possible. There is a comment from Bob who says, this is freaking awesome. There’s a few… Maybe check the questions channel here. There’s a few suggestions coming in for future topics. Well, that’s what I’m really looking for, is for to challenge you guys who are listening to go to the forum topic where we update this stuff, or There’s a special topic in there, and provide feedback about what you’ve seen, and also feedback about what topics you want to see covered, and these can be best practices. We find the best practices ones are pretty popular, but also what components and new modules you have ideas for. Let us know on the forum. I also challenge everyone if you don’t already have a GitHub account to create a GitHub account. slash Servoyis where you’ll find all of the projects that we do, all these open source projects. And right there, if you start using something, you can file issues, you can file feature requests on the individual project that you’re interested in. There’s a question on GitHub, Shion. Some of us are having issues getting started with Git, because we’re new to it. This is an idea, and I’m not sure if we’ve done this in the past, to do a small session about getting started with GitHub and servo8. Yeah, that’s a good idea. I think that it is a bit difficult to get started with Git, if you’re new. However, I would point out that all of the releases that we make, we do also binary releases. So if you want to just get a .servo8 file, the traditional import approach that will work, you don’t have to run Git as a version control system to be able to access the source code. But if you do want to run from source, which is really fun, because then you get the very latest, then by all means you need Git. Again, we’re able to do faster iterations on at least on the web component stuff, because it’s not really tied to the servo8 platform. So typically, we’re doing a minor release for fixes and enhancements on those projects. So you really don’t need to do Git to be able to get them. You just need to GitHub account. Okay. So with Git, you can easily update to the latest version just by running an update. And you said you can also get the .servo8 file and just import that is the more classic way. Whereas typically the .servo8 file located, maybe you can give an example on screen with the SUI charts in Git. Okay. Let’s go back over to… You can see my browser, right? Yeah. You can see it too. So from the sample gallery, you may have noticed that… Well, like for the filter one, you saw that I came in here. I went to the filter sample and then I clicked the download button and then you saw that it downloaded the .servo8 file. But if you want to go to the project site, go here and then you could go to releases. And so there you can see all of the releases and every release includes binaries. So example, filter .servo8 was what we released two weeks ago when we did the last webinar on filtering. So if you just create this account, you go to slash servo8. You can see the repositories. You can search for repositories. So if I was looking for something like chart, I can say, okay, wow, there’s a chart at S and Google charts. So the chart is the one that I saw. Go in here and say, okay, there’s one release available and you can go and get it. Excellent. That looks a lot easier than I thought it was. Yeah. And we typically will release the actual, like for modules, like web components, ng services and modules. We will typically release the example solution as a desktop or a file. But if you don’t want that and you just want to get the latest build for the component that you need, then you just go and grab this. Cool. And again, if you guys have tech questions on downloading the solutions or getting the components lined up and working, then you can just go to that forum thread where we have all the questions and support for these webinar series. Feel free to post questions on the forum. It’s good to stay active on the Servoy forum as well. All right. It looks like most questions have been answered today. Was a brief session. And on the next one, we’re going to do a web components update. Do you already have an idea on which web components channel is still secret? Well, we’re keeping it secret. We want to make sure that things will be ready in time. But we do have a nice new component on the roadmap. If it’s done in two weeks, then we will be announcing it. If not, we have lots of updates on existing components. Things are changing very quickly. So and I think there are still yet a few components that we’ve built that have been properly released yet and announced. So it’s really a whole grab bag of things that we can choose from. But we’ll be a web component update in two weeks. Again, we’re going to keep the series going every two weeks. And we’ll probably have an interruption in May for a Servoy world. That will be the only thing. Stop. Yes. Cool. All right. Well, thanks everybody for attending and sharing things for presenting. And we hope to see you all in two weeks. Thank you.